General Knowledge For
Testing |
1) |
Q: What is the name of the style
you are studying? |
A: Okinawan Uechi-ryu Karate Do
2) |
Q: What was the Uechi-ryu style
formerly called? |
A: Pon-gai-noon |
3) |
Q: In what year was the term "Uechi-ryu"
first used? |
A: 1940 |
4) |
Q: Who was the Grand Master of
Uechi-ryu? |
A: Kanbun Uechi |
5) |
Q: Who is the present Grand
Master? |
A: Kanei Uechi |
6) |
Q: Who was Kanbun's teacher in
China? |
A: Buddhist priest named Sushiwa
7) |
Q: How many years did Kanbun
Uechi spend in China? |
A: 13 years |
8) |
Q: Where did Kanbun Uechi study
in China? |
A: Fukien Province, Southern
China |
9) |
Q: Who created the Sanchin Kata? |
A: Indian Priest named Bodhi
Dharma |
10) |
Q: Where are the headquarters of
the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association? |
A: Okinawa City, Okinawa
11) |
Q: Who was the first to bring
Uechi-Ryu to the U.S. and when? |
A: George E. Mattson in 1958
12) |
Q: On the movements of what
three animals is Uechi-Ryu based? |
A: Tiger, crane, and dragon
13) |
Q: What are the four main
techniques in Uechi-Ryu? |
A: Shoken, Wauke block, toe
kick, spear hand |
14) |
Q: What are the three main kata?
A: Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseirui
15) |
Q: What five kata did Kanei
Uechi create? |
A: Kanshiwa, Kanshu, Seichin,
Seirui, Kanchin |
16) |
Q: What are the eight Kyu ranks?
A: Hachikyu, Sichikyu, Rokkyu,
Gokyu, Yonkyu, Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu |
17) |
Q: What are the five Black belt
ranks? |
A: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan,
Godan |
18) |
Q: What are the five Master
ranks? |
A: Rokudan, Nanadan, Hachidan,
Kyudan, Judan |
19) |
Q: What is your Chief
Instructor's rank? |
A: ? |
20) |
Q: What rank are you testing
for? |
A: ? |
21) |
Q: What is your present rank?
A: ? |
22) |
Q: What does the word "karate"
mean? |
A: Empty hand of Chinese hand
23) |
Q: What does "Pon-gai-noon"
mean? |
A: Half-hard, half-soft
24) |
Q: What does "Sanchin" mean?
A: Three steps or three
conflicts |
25) |
Q: What are the five purposes of
Sanchin? |
A: To build a strong physique,
consolidate the basic stance, to master the proper breathing
method, to develop penetrating eyes, and to foster spiritual
concentration |
26) |
Q: What does the word "ryu"
mean? |
A: Style, system, or method
27) |
Q: What does the word "do" mean? |
A: Way or path |
28) |
Q: What is a karate school
called? |
A: Dojo |
29) |
Q: What are a Karate uniform and
belt called? |
A: Gi, Obi |
30) |
Q: How do you say "right foot
forward"? |
A: Migiashimae |
31) |
Q: How do you say "left foot
forward"? |
A: Hidariashimae |
32) |
Q: What does "Go kura sama"
mean? |
A: Thank you for working hard
33) |
Q: What does "Domo arigato gozai
mashta"? |
A: Thank you very much
34) |
Q: What is forearm conditioning
called? |
A: Kotekitae |